
after midnight rants

Hello guys,

So today after almost 12 hour shift at work I can barely move a muscle but I am actually really happy since I am feeling better then yesterday. I had all these plans made out to do a photo shoot or at least start on my university project or the very least to fill my portfolio with more work. But none of those happened. I could not lift my head of the pillow and I was dying inside from a massive headache, wisdom tooth pain and fever. But today is a new day (since it's after 2 a.m) and I am feeling a slight more positive then usual. A few days ago I finished my low carb high fat diet which is a relief since I was craving sugar so badly, but on the up side the diet made me lose 6 kg which is great. Basically the diet is based on the recent studies that say that it is not the fat that makes us fat but the carbohydrates (a.k.a carbs) and sugars that come from food. Basically our body needs sugar for energy but all the excess sugar we consume is stored in our body as fat. Cutting it out from your nutrition it makes your body go to ketosis which means your body starts to take energy from the fat stored in your body and burns it for you to keep having energy. Although you can not do this for too long so that's why my diet took only two weeks. But if I could survive without sweets, fruits, bread and pasta I think anyone can. And after that as a reward after the diet I bought myself my favourite coffee of the season- the Pumpkin spice Latte.

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Last week was also  the week of some more changes then just my nutrition. I also decided to change my hair a little bit and went much darker for autumn. I know I loved my ombre and I had it for a long time but for the past few months I've been trying to cover it up since it damaged the ends of my hair so hard. After a few horrible attempts I went to the hairdresser and after two sessions one which was last month and one that was last week my hair is finally in one tone and is evenly one colour. I am really happy with the results, but let me know what you think.

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Furthermore, now I'm thinking to start to do some reviews on the shows I liked or hated after the fashion month is over. Anyway I'm sure my comments about the shows after I have watched them all online would not be interesting for everyone but until then let me know what you think.

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xx A


I can't believe it has been this long

Hello guys!

So after a half year (I can't actually believe it has been that long) of silence I decided to come back to bloging. I know the blog has been doing poorly in the end but that's not how I would like you to remember it. I want to go back to my roots when I started in 2009. When I was talking on and on about everyday life situations when I was sharing my diets my wish-lists and inspirations and was much much more personal.

So let's start where I left off. My last post was when I was still in uni and was by the edge of a mental breakdown and exhaustion. By now I feel more rested since I was off uni and I had the whole summer to do my projects but (typically) I still haven't started. I also moved out and now I am living with Patricija together not far from our university. And as soon as we will make the place look cozier I promise to do a tour around our place. Although that might not happen in the near future due to the fact it's either me or her that are broke and we end up not buying the things we want for the place. 

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After moving in it was a time to go on my holidays. And what's a summer holiday without a trip back home to see my friends grandparents and my beloved doggy. I had some good times back home went to Palanga, ate my favorite food and just enjoyed my days off everything.

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After that I just went back to the same kind of lifestyle, work some ocasional going out eating and reading well and that's about it. 

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And then came September! Which means my birthday, my blogs birthday biggest fashion issues in magazines and so on. My blog is already 5 years old! Can you believe it? This was one of the times when I knew I just need to get back to blogging since I just can't throw away all my time and my enjoyment spent on here.

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 But there always comes a big but (and this time it was literally mine) which ruins something. I had to get back my motivation which I am starting to do step by step now. Recently I joined a gym, although I'm not going there as often as I would like since I am still a bit of a lazyass or have no time, no energy or I manage to sprain my ankle running drunk in heels. Minus that I started paying much more attention to my nutrition and I'm already seeing some results (yay?!). Also I now I try not to waste my free time on pointless things and I rather go see some nice places.

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Anyway I hope you enjoyed my little rants and a short version of my past 6 months. Let me know what you like about a bit more simple blog design and about me getting back here. Should I just not bother or is anyone interested in reading more? And if you liked my small life in boxes check it out on my instagram.

Lots of love xx Amanda


You're ireplacable

Sveiki mielieji kaip gyvuojat?

Pamenat tuos visus pažadus kuriuos aš sau pasižadėjau? Visus nuo pirmo iki paskutino punkto sumoviau. Bet mes nebūtume žmonės jeigu nedarytume klaidų. Buvau pradėjus daryti viską po truputį ir tada užpuolė burys darbų, tai jau praėjo, bet atėjo dar didesnis burys univero darbų, o ką jau kalbėti, kad man dar ir reikia persikraustyti per maždaug mėnesį laiko. Na pirmasis iš mano pažadų buvo parašyti bent po vieną įrašą į savaitę, tai tai gan saliginai išpildžiau, nes rašiau įrašus į savo projekto blogą kurį sukūriau mūsų grupės madų šou. Mano įrašus ir visą madų šou galite peržiurėti čia.

Hello loves how are you?

Do you rememeber all those promises I made to myself? I failed to comit to every single one of them. But we are human and it is in our nature to make mistakes. I started doing everything step by step but then I had a huge amount of coursework to do, then everything started to get worse and worse and still now I have to write a huge essay, I have to do many photoshoots, sketchbooks and not forget I have to move out in about a month period and I still haven't found where. One of the promises was to write atleast 1 blog post a week, so I kind of did that just for the blog that was part of my work for university where we had to produce a fashion show and I was responsible for blogging so you can find everything here.

Taigi mano gyvenimo tempas plius minus toks pat, darbas -univeras, univeras-darbas. Bet neseniai įvyko tai ko aš laukiau nuo penkių metukų. Aš pamačiau savo dievaitę, vinitelę ir nepakartojama Beyonce. Koncertas buvo viskas ko aš tikėjaus ir dar daugiau. Nes prie jos sudainuoti drunk in love prisijungė ir Jay-Z, taigi pamačiau juos abu, kas dar buvo nuostabiau. Galite pamatyti keletą akimirkų iš koncerto mano facebooke.

So my paste of living still hasn't changed. It's work university, university- work and so on. But recently one amazing thing hapened that brigtened up my life atleast a little bit. My dream since I was 5 years old came true, I saw my Godess my favorite singer and performer in the whole world- Beyonce. The concert was everything I expected and more. With her to perform drunk inlove came Jay-Z so I got to see them both. And you can watch the video's from the show on my facebook here.

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Taipogi šį įrašą rašau jau per trečią kartą, nes vis pradedu ir turiu kitų reikalų, būnu ne tos nuotaikos ar pavargus, bet kadangi blogo rašymas man vis dėl to yra malonumas, o ne būtinybė dėl to per daug savęs negraužiu, o kaip dėl pažadėto detox jei neiišpildisiu pažadu sau, jį bandysiu įvykdyti kitą savaitgali ir viską pasistengsiu įamžinti. 
I am trying to write this post for the third time now. Because I started once and then I had to leave then another time I was not in the mood and too tired. But since blogging for me is a pleasure I'm not gonna be hard on myself for not writting it all at once. And about the detox punishment I will promise to do that on the weekend at work and I will try to show proof after.

O čia kaip visada aimirkos iš mano instagramo:

And here as usual some of my instagram diaries:

Moments from London Fashion  Week:

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Food and magazine obssesions:
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Selfie/make up whore:

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Geros jum ateinančios savaitės mielieji ir gero bei šilto pavsario

So have a great upcoming week and enjoy the spring

xx Amanda



Hello there loves, how are you?

I've been recently talking with some of my friends and I realized that my blogging has gone worse. I do know that I have a limited amount of time but if I can find time to watch TV shows I can find time to do some blogging. Also I was thinking that my life now is really boring but it wasn't that interesting before as well. I think I am just expecting really amazing things but doing nothing to actually make it happen. I am not going to lose weight just from thinking I'm going to start Monday and then I just end up thinking oh ok next Monday. Or I'm too tired I'm too this I'm too that. Basically all I'm saying is that if you just wish for things to happen and sit at home and feel sorry for yourself they are never going to happen. So I'm making myself weekly promises that I promise myself to keep and if I do not fulfill them I will have to do a detox day that week. So in a period of a week time I promise myself:

1. To write at least one blog post a week.

2. To stop complaining so much and embrace what is going on or if I'm not happy do something to change it.

3. To cut down on sweets. I know they are my biggest weakness and if I cut them out completely I will come back to them eventually so my solution is just to try eating a piece of chocolate instead of a whole chocolate bar and so on.

4. Exercise at least 4-5 times a week. Not necessarily a lot at least a 10-20 minute workout or a jog to clear my head.

5.  Try to prepare everything for tomorrow the day before not in the morning and then be late for class or almost late for work.

So since a lot has gone on recently I thought why not do it like an instagram post and just show what has been going on lately.

Some of the latest buys:

Fashion books, perfume,shoes, new handbag and tickets to see my beloved Beyonce 
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Selfies is my one big addiction:

Don't get me started on this, I try to take less now but I just I can't shake off the addiction.. Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
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Trying to be healthy:

Those better days or the begining of January and Mondays..

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My free time is spent like this:

Going out for cocktails, winter wonderland, watching American horror story and hanging out after uni with Patricija and Gabrielė

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Make sure to follow me on istagram here for these kind of pictures, lots of love Amanda xx